Me & my Nail

Monday, March 19, 2012

Simple Strawberry nail art tutorial!

Hello my friends!
How is everything? Gosh! I'm lost for a long time rite :)
Anyway now summer is coming so hope everybody getting excited to do lots of things. aahh actually in summer we use to eat lots of fruits *_^  Yesterday I got some strawberry :D guess what ?????? Oh! ya I'm going to make strawberry nail art with tutorial in very simple way. So lets get started.

First paint your nail with somewhat pink color. ( no idea which color is this ;P) Don't forget to apply base coat.

After it completely dry, with the green nail polish paint one side of the nail like this, I paint by left side :D

Than paint in the same way on the next side! now it gonna look like this.

 Now paint on the middle. It gonna look like this. Paint all nails like same way!!

Now it's time to complete it by dotting in the empty place. You can use white or yellow nail color, here I use yellow nail polish! You can use toothpick for dotting.

After all the step make sure u apply a top coat! It protect your nail to chipping away and also help to protect your design for long time.

Here is one more photo! Edited ehehehe!!


Hope this is the easy way to make strawberry nails, and you guys love to try this.
Have fun! will see ya soon again.
Take care!

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